“And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”
Prayer is the groundwork for everything we do and vital to our ministry. Thanks always for your prayers and support.
Tijuana, Mexicali, and Juarez Mexico Kitchens:
Pray for Israel our Director, as he maintains staff to support the school meals being prepared. Pray the schools will continue to contract with us in each new school year.
Our Mexicali and Tijuana kitchens have been working 3 shifts and cooking over 25,000 hot meals a day.
Pray for Marlena and Cece our kitchen managers as they work with a much larger staff and for the health and safety for all the staff.
Pray for God's timeline provision of funds to keep the kitchens running smoothly.
Pray for the kitchen in Juarez. Pray for our kitchen manager Levy as she takes on daily operations. Pray for new partners to continue to sign up for meals and to expand their reach. They are having many outreach events in their community.
Pray for the Children’s Hunger Fund to participate in our Vita Kidz distribution in Mexico.
Haiti/Dominican Republic Kitchen:
Pray for our director David, and for the staff as they oversee operations.
Pray for safety from theft and protection of our kitchen. Pray for health and provisions for the staff.
Our staff is still serving most of our partners in Haiti even though the area is threatened daily by gang violence.
Continue to pray for resolution and peace within the country. The unrest continues to make it so difficult for business and operations. Some staff members are staying on the property to protect it and the food supplies. There are now border closures between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Pray David can get passage to and from these countries.
Pray for the opportunity to help the hunger needs in Haiti with Compassion wanting to provide Vita Kidz to their churches.
Pray for a new container of VitaKitz coming to the Dominican Republic for distribution to both countries. Pray for no delays with the closures and for no difficulties with logistics.
Pray for new partnerships in the DR as David distributes Vita Kidz to Childrens Hunger Fund and those in the community.
S Africa Kitchens:
Pray for our S Africa director Mark, as he directs operations and a much larger production.
Pray for the safety and especially the health of the staff and for the security of the product as production continues for Peninsula School Feeding and they do hot meals for local townships.
Pray for the Distribution Center in Lesotho now receiving water from a new well at their church. This will meet the needs of people in the area that have been walking miles each day for water. Pray now for us to be able to send a new container of Vita Kidz to the area. So many there are hungry.
Pray for a new expansion of Vita Kidz production in the town of Tazaneen in the province of Limpopo. This is an opportunity to partner with an existing maize processing plant. This will enable us to provide meals to ministry partners in the most populated areas of South Africa.
Guatemala City
The Guatemala kitchen is not operational at this time. Pray we will be able send a shipment of Vita Kidz to Guatemala.
Pray we will find more partners like the Children’s Hunger Fund who will want to use it for their programs.
In all our kitchens, pray for sustainability and for more community participation. Pray the kitchen staffs will work together as a team and find joy in serving their community. Pray always that the local ministries we work with will give the gospel in God’s love to the children being fed. Pray God will be glorified in their work and for the power of the Holy Spirit to convict and bring many to the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
Pray that God continues to bring those He has to generously give and participate with us both monthly and one time.
Praise God have a new Regional Development Director in Vista, Shawna Walters. Join us in prayer as we welcome her and introduce her to donors and events in this area.
Praise for the success of our Gala event at the Westin, October 6, 2023. Many new people came and others returned to support our ongoing work.
Pray for our efforts to continue to raise funds with S2S. NCC will once again support OTB greatly in this program. We are so thankful for all the Jr Highers that participate each year. Pray for our efforts to start programs in new churches.
Pray for our Kitchen Builder monthly supporters to continue to grow in 2024.
Pray God will continue to meet our daily needs and God’s work will increase as He touches hearts in South Africa, Lesotho, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Guatemala and Mexico. Pray God breaks through language/culture barriers with His Word and Spirit. Pray especially for our team, for physical and spiritual protection. Pray God will be glorified in all our work, words, and ways.
Thanks always for your prayers and support. If you haven’t received our recent newsletter or would like to support us, sign up on our website at www.outsidethebowl.org or email us at info@outsidethebowl.org. Our address is P O Box 7147, Woodland Park, CO 80863.