2019 Christmas Tea (black).png

December 7 from 10:00 am - noon
The Warehouse at North Coast Church Vista

2405 N Santa Fe Ave, Vista, CA 92084

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What you can expect at OTB’s Christmas Tea:

  • A message of JOY by Tracie Moss

  • An International Christmas Market

  • Special Christmas music by Karyn Imel

  • Unique raffle opportunities

  • Tea, coffee & assorted light bites

  • An invitation to partner with Outside the Bowl

Reserve your seat today! 


We are no longer taking reservations for tomorrow’s tea. If you are interested in attending, please email Dianne at dianne@outsidethebowl.org to see if there are any seats available.

Individual seats are $10 per person.


Host a table!

Please contact Dianne at dianne@outsidethebowl.org if you are interested in hosting a table. Table hosts are responsible for setting their table, inviting guests, and acting as hosts for the event.

All the details for hosting a table can be accessed here

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